EU Thyroid
The overall aim of EUthyroid is to evaluate ID prevention and monitoring programmes in 24 European countries, to initiate capacity building for harmonised European ID prevention and monitoring programs, and to disseminate project outcomes for supporting measures at a national and EU level in order to eradicate ID disorders in Europe. The project will position itself as an international hub for current national initiatives in an attempt to coordinate and support existing national activities. EUthyroid will generate the first harmonised data set of ID resulting in the first valid map of iodine status in Europe. With a dedicated dissemination program informing of the unfavourable health outcomes of ID, EUthyroid will pave the way for a harmonised EU wide regulation of iodination, a common approach to iodine and outcome monitoring and establish recommendations for scientists on how to monitor IDD prevention programs. The project aims to make Europe a benchmark for ID disorder prevention worldwide.
Proposal preparation: Content, Administration
Grant preparation: Consortium / Grant Agreement, Budget
Implementation: Project Management, Dissemination
12. July 2022