keep an overview with
our proposal support
Modern scientists are faced with a multitude of tasks, but many are not adequately supported in-house to perform all of them well. To finance their research programmes, researchers rely more and more on a mix of externally raised funds. Our proposal support services are here to help you acheive your funding goals without taking away from your research. We aim to maximise the benefit each partner can extract from their project, while at the same time minimising administrative burdens. Our involvement can be tailored to meet your requirements, from the complete comprehensive service for beginner applications to our minimal support proposal check for our more advanced applicants.
Over the past 20 years we’ve supported proposals from:
- European Research Council (ERC) StG/CoG/AdG/SyG
- Research and Innovation Action (Horizon Europe, H2020, FP6 & FP7)
- Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Innovative Training Networks
- Eurostars
- Austrian Science Fund (FWF): stand alone, SFB and CoE
- Wiener Wirtschafts und Technologie Fonds (WWTF)
- Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft: Institutes
- Christian Doppler Gesellschaft
- Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG)

from idea to proposal
Before entering the application phase, we develop a time and resource plan considering your budgetary situation, project requirements, and appropriate funding body. Complex proposals for large cooperative research projects require significant attention to policy aspects, exploitation strategies, and potential impact. Considering the scope of the project, our proposal support is unique and tailored to your specific requirements and the complexity of the call.
We are highly experienced in developing, together with you, individual impact sections and work plans to ensure that all sections of the proposal optimally fulfill the expectations of evaluators. Our senior project developer, Stefan Grünert has served as an evaluator for European Commission services, providing you with critical feedback and decisive contributions throughout the process.
Biolution has successfully supported numerous researchers with national and international grants. Our staff is not only well versed in the various guidelines, but they are also experienced in scientific writing, managing communication, and infographic development. Upon request, we can also offer a full graphic design package.

Our proposal support services can be tailored directly to your needs, from a minimal input service to a full, comprehensive service, taking your research from idea to complete submission. Valuable for any proposal submission, we highly recommend the full service if you are a starter applicant or have little prior experience with the funding process.
- Identifying the appropriate call
- Concept development
- Proposal development and review
- Scientific writing
- Development of impact
- Ethical sections
- Budgetary planning
- Communication and dissemination
- Graphic and media design
- 3D Visualizations
Proposal check
The proposal check is a full review of the final draft of your proposal. During the preparation phase, we conduct an initial briefing where we critically assess and discuss the key aspects of the research and the chosen work plan before you start developing the proposal. We are on hand to help with any questions that arise throughout the development process.
Scientific excellence remains the overriding criterion for consideration for funding, however, given the strong competition in many funding schemes, in particular ERC, additional aspects have become increasingly important for decision-making by evaluators.
During the proposal check, you will work with our senior project developer, Stefan Grünert, who has served as an evaluator for European Commission services, providing you with critical feedback and decisive contributions throughout the process.
Benefit from our know-how with a proposal check to improve your chances of success in an increasingly competitive environment.

A proposal check is the last step to make sure you’re submitting the best proposal you can. This specific proposal support service is tailored to the experienced researcher, who appreciates an outside view of the research plan and recognizes the importance of policy and other non-scientific aspects of highly competitive funding schemes.
- Strength and weakness analysis framed by relevant call topics and policy aspects.
- Commented review in tracked mode, including a revision of text sections.
- Full review discussion highlighting potential solutions for identified shortcomings.
Bespoke: you decide
We also offer bespoke proposal support solutions for you and your proposal. From on-demand services with minimal input to a tailor-made comprehensive package, you tell us how much support you need, and we do the rest.
Given the intense competition for research funds and the increasing professionalization in proposal development, the investment of time and effort in proposals is substantial. We believe our support secures your investment by increasing your probability of success because you often cannot afford to wait for your next grant.
…according to the ERC only 15% of Starting Grant applications are successful. Statistics such as these show just how competitive an ERC grant is. Can you afford not to put your best foot forward?
Get in touch today and together we can get your proposal in shape.
"Invaluable help and support"
"Invaluable help and support covering from the ‘concept’ to the ‘writing’. Helping to drive a ‘good idea’ to a ‘fully competitive project’, being able to learn on how to design and write a grant application to be successful. Fully recommended."
Fatima Crispi
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona · Servicio de Medicina Materno Fetal Consultant and senior researcher"highly motivated team of biolution"
“The SYMPATH cycle event was a great success, not least due to the highly motivated team of biolution.”
Prof. Achim Schneeberger, MD
AFFiRiS AG, Vienna, Austria Coordinator of SYMPATH"very happy that biolution assists us"
“We are very happy that biolution assists us in the public outreach elements of our successful ITN “ALKATRAS”, in particular in the design and maintenance of our website.”
Dr. Suzanne Turner
University of Cambridge, UK Senior Lecturer"important contributions"
“I enjoyed working with Stefan Grünert of biolution, who made important contributions to the funded proposal of our Ludwig Boltzmann Institute.”
Prof. Kaan Boztug, MD
CeMM, Vienna, Austria Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases"We found a competent partner "
“With biolution we found a competent partner in Life Sciences, who took care of all aspects to organize the event for GEHC – selection of venue, registration, billing, travel arrangement, catering, filming etc. We were very satisfied, with the services provided and will engage biolution next time again.”
Florian Koelle, DI
GE Healthcare Europe GmbH, Life Sciences, Austria Teamleader Biacore Systems DACH & PL"specific, helpful and valuable"
“We have worked together with biolution on several EU project proposals, and their input has always been very specific, helpful and valuable”.
Mag. Dr. Carolin Auer
Medical University of Graz, Austria Head of Unit for Research Management"absolutely essential"
“The support by biolution was helpful during stage one of the call, but absolutely essential to obtain our H2020 grant in stage two.”
Prof. Henry Völzke, MD
University Greifswald, Germany Coordinator of EUthyroid"extensive skill and experience"
"We faced several unexpected challenges during our project, and I am grateful biolution was always there to support us with their extensive skill and experience."
Prof. Gabor Kovacs, MD
Coordinator of DEVELAGE, Medical University Vienna, Austria