grants & funding consulting
why work with us?
With over 20 successful years of supporting life scientists, we have extensive experience in the application of competitive research grants and funding on a national and EU level. Our grants and funding consulting services can help you put your best foot forward.
Today’s scientists face a double-edged sword: The exciting pursuit of research goals fueled by the necessity of securing external funding. However, amidst burgeoning workloads and intensifying competition, many lack the robust in-house support to conquer the intricacies of the funding landscape.
Partnering with Biolution can bridge this gap. Our highly individualized grants and funding consulting services empower you to navigate the complexities of external funding and position your application for optimal success.
4 good reasons to work with us
Communicating your research idea convincingly is a challenge requiring specific expertise. At biolution, we have that expertise. Developed over two decades, stemming from our scientific background, we know how to shape your proposal and understand your science.
We have more than 20 years of experience successfully supporting life scientists in applying for competitive research funds. Our successful grant and fund consulting has secured over €40 million in EU funding. We have the experience and success you need.
We like to play the devil’s advocate, interrogate your scientific concept for potential gaps, and explore improvements. Rooted in our academic training, we pay attention to detail and expand the competitive edge of your proposal for the envisaged funding opportunity.
Every year, we review more than 10 research proposals across a wide spectrum of the life sciences. As a result, this provides us with a good overview of current developments in top-level research using the most ambitious methodologies and approaches.
“The support by biolution was helpful during stage one of the call, but absolutely essential to obtain our H2020 grant in stage two.”
Prof. Henry Völzke, MD – University Greifswald, Germany, Coordinator of EUthyroid
Our grants and funding consulting services
Proposal support
Our proposal support service is one of biolution’s most popular grants and funding consulting services. It is completely flexible and can be tailored to meet your needs. From minimal support with our proposal check for our more advanced candidates to a full, comprehensive service for first-time applicants. Read more about our services to see what fits you best.
project management
We support scientific coordinators from academic research institutions and companies to successfully implement their EU and nationally funded research projects. Generally, we guide you right from the beginning of the project, increasing your chances of success. However, you might find you need help along the way, in which case we can jump in to help get you back on track. Whatever the case, biolution is here to help with our many years of experience. Our project management option is our most comprehensive grants and funding consulting service.
Coaching and workshops
Drawing on our extensive experience with relevant parties, including researchers, companies, national contact points, and European Commission representatives, our grants and funding consulting can coach you through the proposal development process. From preparation for the interview process of the grant application to one-on-one personal training, we take you through all the steps to help you achieve your goal.
we’ve worked with…

If we’ve sparked your interest and want to make the most of your proposals, get in touch today. We can talk you through our grants and funding consulting services so that your next submission is a success.