ERC Workshops
Within academic institutions, it may not always be clear who are the high-potentials ready to apply for ERC grants and how to identify them. However, with a customized ERC writing
demoreel biolution
Biolution is proud to present our new demo reel! Showcasing the multitude of inspirations we have had through our projects. It is our ambition to support researchers in their commu
conformational changes of p53
P53 is an important tumor suppressor referred to as guardian of the genome. It is also implicated in ageing and has the potential to arrest the cell cycle. To exert its effect p53
How the DNA got into the killer machine
Today biolution released a new video visualising the assembly of T4 phage, one of the pets of molecular geneticists. Despite extensive work on these nano machines some mnysteries r
Are phages the secret weapon against superbugs
Please check our animation online and subscribe to our channel if you are interested: The WHO estimates up to 700,000 patients died in of multidru