Currently, Europe has no harmonised approach to ensure iodine intake of European citizens is sufficient to prevent health problems. EUthyroid is an EU-funded research project to evaluate current national efforts aimed at preventing iodine deficiency disorders. The project aims to provide evidence for a cost-effective harmonised approach to iodine prevention in Europe.
Policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public have been targeted through a range of media, including a project website, conference presentations, scientific publications, the national press, television, and social media, as part of a coordinated dissemination strategy.
With the Krakow Declaration on Iodine, EUthyroid presented recommendations towards preventing IDD and securing sufficient iodine status in Europe as a call to action for policymakers, public health officials, scientists, and the general public. High-level meetings were held with policymakers in 20 countries, with several already yielding policy changes.
Text is from the EU Research Results:
EUthyroid project Quick overview:
Coordinator: University Medicine Greifswald, Germany
Status: Execution
Start: 01.06.2015
End: 01.08.2018
Total Cost: EUR 3,375,330.25
EU contribution: EUR 2,999,949
biolution contribution
Proposal preparation: Content, Administration
Grant preparation: Consortium / Grant Agreement, Budget
Implementation: Project Management, Dissemination
Media Design: Logo and branding, Website for EUthyroid and website for the Krakow Declaration, Print materials, Twitter account.
Events and Co-ordination: Policy Meetings, Project Meetings, Satellite Meetings
The project brought together over 30 institutions from all across Europe.