biolution video hits 1 mio views

Scientific visualisation of T4 bacteriophage attacking E.coli bacterium

When 3 years ago we created a youtube channel for biolution as an outlet for our information about the research performed in H2020 funded projects we anticpated this platform more a repository for our videos to be shared through our various other social media channels. Little did we know that youtube has become our most succesful outlet for the images and animations we create. Today interest in scientific information has intensified with our news dominated for months now with reports on the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Our videos on SARS-CoV-2 reach an international audience as our channel boasts more than 10.000 subscribers mainly from the US and Asia. But nothing really prepared us for the success of our wonderful animation of the bacteriophage T4 attacking E.coli. It has now surpasssed 1 mio views and if you have not seen it yet, here it is:


biolution offers a state-of-the-art pipeline to generate scientifically accurate 3D models as a basis for instructive visualizations, which support engagement and create interest.